Advanced training courses for teachers  (24.02.2016)

The Centre of English language and culture together with Mogilev regional institution of education development conducted advanced training courses for teachers on February 24, 2016. About 30 teachers from Mogilev and the region took part in the seminar. The topic was “Role-plays and game methods in teaching English”. The lecturer, A. K. Shevtsova used multimedia presentations, video fragments to show the possibilities of modern gaming techniques. There were shown various educational games to train grammar (e.g. irregular verbs, tense forms), vocabulary (e.g. Work with flash cards, Running dictation) and speech skills (e.g. Students’ projects, Skype communication). Thank you very much for cooperation, team spirit and enthusiasm!

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учреждения образования «Могилевский государственный университет имени А. А. Кулешова»,
ул. Космонавтов, д. 1,  212022  г. Могилев, Республика Беларусь