English Essay Contest  (26.05.2015)

On the 26 of May the English Essay Contest was held.
The topic announced was “To be ignorant about the past means to remain a child”.
The participants—representatives of different schools and lyceums—presented their talks basing upon the written essays.
The contestants were pleased to learn that one of the jury members was a native speaker. Mr Mel Rogers managed to take part in our event (We're so grateful to him!).
So the best of the best are:
Grand Prix—Polina Shinkevich,
1st place—Kira Belova,
2nd place—Maria Gromakova,
3rd place—Katherine Povlyuchkova,
Special diplomas are for Elena Adiyanova, Yana Dudkova and Natalia Mihailova.
Thank you all for your work anf enthusiasm!
Looking forward to see you again!

Centre of the English Language and Culture

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