Videoconference with the American professor, Mr. Frank Laney  (27.05.2015)

On the 27th of May, 2015, at our university, the centre of the English Language and Culture conducted the second videoconference via Skype with Mr.Frank Laney, the American professor from USA, North Carolina, Raleigh. The professor visited our university in April and delivered a lecture on Mediation and Methods of Resolving Conflicts and Disputes. Our senior lecturer, Evgeniy Samsonov, invited Mr.Laney to take part in our Country Studies lectures and talk about system of education and traditions of the USA.
According to Mr. Samsonov:
“Our students have a wonderful possibility to practise vernacular language with a native speaker, ask natives questions and eventually get interested in the subject. The university offers excellent facilities to conduct this kind of conversation exchange. It’s fun, we learn slang and colloquial expressions, it’s free, there is no homework or boring textbooks, we are practicing both listening and speaking and finally, it’s a very fast and effective language learning method. Thank you for attention”.

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учреждения образования «Могилевский государственный университет имени А. А. Кулешова»,
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